PSI Alliance

“The PSI Alliance consistently stands up for the rights of PSI reusers across Europe”

Nikolaus Futter, Managing Director, Compass Verlag and Chair of the PSI Alliance

“My first port of call when consulting the industry on PSI matters”

Member of the European Parliament


The PSI Alliance seeks an improved regulatory environment forprivate sector PSI reusers across Europe.

It was founded in 2008 to give a voice to reusers and to give expert advice on PSI to the European Union - both through direct engagement with EU Institutions and through expert groups such as LAPSI and Share_PSI.

The PSI Alliance is relaunching as the European Commission publishes its proposal to revise the PSI Directive for the European Parliament and Council of the EU to amend.

Join us to ensure that the EU Institutions effectively revise the PSI Directive in a way that ensures an improved market for PSI reuse.


in suitable

digital formats


in an

appropriate timeframe



marginal cost



unfair competition


with proportionate

privacy protection


with the

possibility for redress



Membership of the PSI Alliance is focused on keeping members updated on the latest developments, sharing ideas, and engaging with the EU institutions to inform the officials and politicians during the legislative process to ensure a positive outcome of the PSI Directive. Full membership, including sponsor level membership, is open to private sector reusers and associations of private sector reusers. Associate membership is open to any organisation, including private reusers as well as utilities and authorities, wishing to be kept informed of the latest political developments.


Members level

  • political PSI developments
  • updates on any changes to the draft legislative text
  • PSI Alliance news



Members will receive Associate Member benefits, plus:

  • voting rights
  • attendance at 2 engagement roundtables per year with legislators such as the Commission, Council and presidency and MEPs
  • input into PSI Alliance position papers and possible amendments
  • access to PSI Alliance secretariat


Member level

Sponsor Members will receive Member level benefits plus:

  • opportunity to engage directly with the Commission, Parliament and Council during the course of the co-decision process
  • the right to represent the PSI Alliance at 3rd party events and meetings


PSI Alliance statement on Commission HVDs roadmap

The PSI Alliance is grateful for the opportunity to comment on the Implementing act on a list of High-Value Datasets. After taking part in the validation workshop at July the 28th we want to outline one key principle of the HVD definition:

We welcome Article 14 of the directive 2019/1024 regarding HVDs, in particular that specific high-value datasets shall be:

(a) available free of charge, subject to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5;
(b) machine readable;
(c) provided via APIs; and
(d) provided as a bulk download, where relevant.

However, we want to remind the Commission and public authorities that all public datasets subject to the revised Open Data Directive are of value and should not be ignored just because they are not classified as a HVD and subject to the Implementing Act.

In particular, we want to highlight that ‘normal’ PSI datasets should also be subject to the following:

According to Article 6 the re-use of documents shall be free of charge, but recovery of the marginal costs may be allowed.

Machine readable format
Article 5 says that documents shall be made available where possible and appropriate, by electronic means, in formats that are open and machine-readable.

APIs and bulk download
According to Recital 32 and Article 5.5 dynamic data shall be made available via APIs.

During the process of creating the HVD list and especially during the workshop many datasets were mentioned and discussed, but nobody mentioned that to all of these datasets the PSI directive applies directly since 2015. The Member States are obliged to make these datasets reusable, at least following a request, according to Article 4 of the directive. It may be that these datasets are not totally free of charge at the beginning or machine readability is lacking, but at least they should be available for reuse.


The question regarding all the datasets mentioned in the validation workshop is not whether to release or not to release, but only in which way they should be released, i.e. as HVDs or as “normal” PSI. We urge the European Commission to communicate this fact to the representatives of the Member States.

Recommendations for effective implementation

The Commission estimated in the Impact Assessment that the total direct economic value of PSI is expected to quadruple from a baseline of EUR 52 billion in 2018 for the EU28, to EUR 194 billion in 2030. Only with unbiased and effective implementation and a desire to overcoming barriers to reuse, can this become a reality.

Following the entry into force of the recast of the Open Data and PSI Directive, the PSI Alliance would like to make the following recommendations for the implementation of the Directive.

High Value Datasets

As the High Value Datasets are an important step forward, the list of datasets should enter into force as soon as possible,
and certainly before the end of the implementation period.

There are further categories that hold important socio-economic benefits for EU citizens should be included as soon as possible. For example, “Legal and Administrative data”, as it not only contributes to a competitive legal tech sector but also to the protection of fundamental rights such as the right to a fair trial.

Categories of dataset included into the HVD list should not be questionable by the Member States due to privacy concerns. In case of datasets containing personal data, the Commission should conduct impact assessments to ensure data protection and a final balancing of interests as per Article 14.2.

General Principles

Member States shall ensure that accessible documents that do not fall under the exemptions in Article 1(2), shall be re-usable for commercial or non-commercial purpose

Applicants have a right to the release of applicable datasets, it should not be seen as a gift from the public authority or public undertaking.

Public authorities and public undertakings should support the demand side by ensuring that reusers know about their rights and have effective means of redress in case of rejection of their requests to access public sector information.

Member States must be required to clamp down on discrimination – it is still commonplace for private re-users not to have access to
the same data as state owned competitors, in particular areas such as transport.

A public online consultation on the access to public sector information in Member States, as well as a review of existing exclusive arrangements to reuse public sector information should be launched by the Commission.

Artificial Intelligence

If we want a European to be a leader in artificial intelligence, then we need sufficient availability of data for training purposes. Training data and validation data is absolutely essential to the development of any machine learning model.

Comprehensive datasets are also key to ensure that datasets are representative, and therefore lead to unbiased and ethical algorithms using AI.

The prospects for economic growth are considerable thanks to the provisions in the revised PSI Directive, but only if the authorities take advantage of the opportunities in the Directive.

PSI Alliance presents to Member State Expert Group

The PSI Alliance was invited to present to the PSI Group of national experts, hosted by the European Commission in Luxembourg. We gave the opinion of reusers for the forthcoming implementation.

We argued that the inclusion of High Value Datasets is an important step forward, the list of datasets should enter into force with the end of the implementation period.

There are further categories that should be included as soon as possible, for example „Legal and administrative documents”.

In case of datasets containing also personal data impact assessments of the Commission according to Article 13 (2) should cover also data protection matters and a final balancing of interests. A dataset included into the list should not be questionable by the Member States due to privacy concerns.

Beside High Value Datasets, on the General Principle, we argued that Member States shall ensure that accessible documents, that do not fall under the exemptions according to Article 1(2), and should be be re-usable for commercial or non-commercial purpose.

We made the case that applicants for data have a right to release of those datasets, it´s not a present!

And that “Demand Side” should be supported - potential re-users often don´t know anything about their rights, public administrations should better inform them.

We also gave practical examples where there are still stumbling blocks, and how discriminating practices should be avoided, for example up to now private re-users don´t have access to the same mobility data as state owned competitors, for example reasons for delay and cancellations.

Finally, on artificial intelligence, we argued that one prerequisite for developing AI solutions is the sufficient availability of data for training purposes. Training data and validation data is absolutely essential to the development of any machine learning model.

According to the European Commission a European approach on AI will boost the European Union’s competitiveness and ensure trust based on European values.

If the European Member States seriously want to boost AI solutions, the sufficient supply of PSI data for these purposes will be one cornerstone.

Roundtable - implementing the PSI Directive




Welcome and introduction

Nikolaus Futter, PSI Alliance Chairman


Implementing the PSI Directive

Szymon Lewandowski, DG CNECT – European


Implementation at national level, a Belgian perspective

Jean-Charles Quertinmont, SPF Chancellerie du Premier Ministre (Belgium)


Coffee break


Implementing high value datasets

Walter Palmetshofer, Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN)


How effective implementation can support innovation

Clémence Arto, Doctrine


Concluding remarks

Nikolaus Futter, PSI Alliance Chairman

PSI Alliance roundtable - 26 September

What next for PSI in Europe?

Residence Palace, Brussels, 26 September 2018


13:30 Registration

13:45 PSI Alliance chairman: Welcome and introduction

13:55 An introduction to the revised PSI proposal

DG CNECT –European Commission

14.05 Q&A

14:15 The European Parliament priorities on re-use of PSI Directive

Michał Boni MEP, EPP shadow rapporteur (TBC)

14.25 Q&A

14:35 Can the new proposal unlock data for economic growth?

Nikolaus Futter, CEO Compass Verlag, PSI Alliance Chairman

14.45 Q&A

14:55 Coffee break

15:15 The Council Presidency’s approach on the re-cast of the PSI Directive

Martin Semberger, Chair (PSI Directive), Internal Market Unit, Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs

15.25 Q&A

15:35 Real-time dynamic data –making it the next big PSI growth area

Neil Murrin (TBC), TrainLine

15.45 Q&A

15:55 General discussion

16:30 Close

For information on how to attend, contact Oliver Kaye on




PSI Alliance - Oliver Kaye
40 Rue d’Arlon, Brussels 1000, Belgium
+32 223 50530 /